Saturday, September 10, 2011

Holly Ensign-Barstow, Samuel Globus - Weddings -

Holly Ensign-Barstow, Samuel Globus - Weddings - "Holly Elizabeth Ensign-Barstow, a daughter of Susan Ensign and James F. Barstow of Oakland, Calif., was married Saturday evening at her parents’ weekend house in Boonville, Calif., to Samuel Twining Globus, the son of Dorothy Twining Globus and Stephen E. Globus of Manhattan. Jonathan Blatteis, a friend of the bride’s family, who was temporarily named a deputy marriage commissioner by Alameda County, Calif., officiated."

'via Blog this'

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Munsons of Texas — an American Saga

Second Edition Manuscript by Thurmond A. Williamson, 1987Updates and Internet format by Laura Munson Cooper, 2005, 2006

The date was a November day in 1828. The place was a raw, untamed frontier region of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas. A barge carrying a party of twenty-four persons landed on the south bank of the lazy and very muddy Brazos River about six miles upstream from its mouth on the Gulf of Mexico. It was near a small stream known as Jones Creek, made famous by a fierce battle in 1824 between a band of settlers under the leadership of Randall Jones and a group of Karankawa Indian braves. The present town of Jones Creek got its name from that stream.
Aboard the barge were Henry William Munson (aged 35), his wife, Ann Binum Pearce Munson (aged 28), their two young sons, William Benjamin (aged 4) and Mordello Stephen (aged 3), and twenty slaves. This was the arrival of the Munsons of Texas to the land that would become Brazoria County. They had come to settle on the 554 acres of rich gulf-prairie land that Henry William Munson had recently purchased from Stephen F. Austin for the price of one dollar per American acre

Munson, Underwood, Horn, Fairfield and Allied Families - Brazoria County, Texas

Genealogy and Family History of Laura Jane Munson and her brothers Joseph Underwood Munson Jr. and George Kennedy Munson, the children of Joseph Underwood Munson and Ruth Anna Horn, who were born and bred in Brazoria County, "Where Texas Began", and whose ancestors include Munson of South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas; Underwood of Massachusetts and Texas; Horn of North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Oklahoma; Fairfield of Massachusetts, Maine, Indiana and Texas

Founders of Dayton: Henry William, Micajah, and Jessie P. Munson

Henry William Munson (1793-1833), a native of Villa Bayoso, Miss., born on Jan. 15, 1793 to Jesse Munson, arrived in Texas as early as 1812 as a member of the Republican Army of the North.

Founders of Dayton: Henry William, Micajah, and Jessie P. Munson - The Vindicator: History

Friday, August 19, 2011

Footnote is now Fold3

This announcement isn’t a complete change from what we’ve been doing. Some of our best and most popular work has been on military titles like the Revolutionary War Pension files, the Civil War Service Records and “Widows’ Pensions,” WWII Missing Air Crew Reportsand the Interactive Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

This new focus will direct our content plans and allow us to organize the site around military records. In the future we’ll make other changes that will help us build the best online source for records related to the U.S. military, the men and women who have served and the families who support them.

You will still be able to access the great non-military records previously found on Footnote, but we’ll be adding millions of U.S. military records, like these that we’ve already begun work on:

  • Word War II “Old Man’s Draft” Cards
  • War of 1812 Pension Files
  • Mexican War Service Records
  • World War I Officer Experience Reports
  • Confederate Casualty Reports

Sunday, August 14, 2011

'All Jews Are One Big Extended Family': Tel Aviv U. Professor Spearheads Global Jewish Genealogy Project,Steve K. Walz, Jewish Press Israel Correspondent

Steve K. Walz, Jewish Press Israel Correspondent
Posted Aug 03 2011

Jewish genealogy is no longer a passing fad. The combination of genetic research by scientists, the unearthing of various genizot all over the world, and good old-fashioned groundwork by academicians and people just curious about their heritage has led to some fascinating personal discoveries.
'All Jews Are One Big Extended Family': <i>Tel Aviv U. Professor Spearheads Global Jewish Genealogy Project</i>  , Steve K. Walz, <i>Jewish Press Israel Correspondent</i>
Itzhak Fouxon, an assistant professor of physics at Tel Aviv University, has taken the process one step further with his work for the Am HaZikron Institute, which assists Jews in finding familial links.

In an interview with The Jewish Press, Fouxon explained the genesis of the project and its ultimate goals.

Library to host second genealogy workshop Aug. 20 - Top Stories

Whether a genealogical expert or a beginner starting family research, staff at the Midland County Public Library say there's plenty to be learned at its upcoming workshop.  Lloyd de Witt Bockstruck, author and former supervisor of Dallas Public Library's genealogy section, will speak Aug. 20 at the downtown library.
"He is the Texas guru of genealogy," said Marie Humphrey, head of special collections. "He gears his program so everyone walks away with something new."  Bockstruck's presentation is the second in the library's new series "Genealogy off the Shelves."

Library to host second genealogy workshop Aug. 20 - Top Stories: "Marie Humphrey"

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Herrick Family Association Reunion - Sept 15-18th 2011

Herrick Family Association Reunion Weekend

September 15 -18, 2011
In Madison, WI

We are planning our annual meeting and reunion weekend for September 15 - 18, 2011. Madison, Wisconsin has been chosen as the site of our annual meeting. We will have dinners on Thursday and Saturday evenings. Research visits are planned for the Wisconsin Historical Society Library and Archives, Veterans Museum and Research Center, Norwegian American Genealogy Center, Pendarvis - Mineral Point, and Camp Randall and Civil War Confederate Cemetery.

Message from APG Nominating Committee - Sat, Aug 13, 2011

Greetings, fellow APG members!

We're looking for a few good men and women to serve on the APG Board. But, despite a request for recommendations issued over a month ago, the nominating committee has not received enough suggestions to create a slate.

As members of APG, you have the right to make a recommendation and let the committee choose a slate for you to vote upon later this year.  Wouldn't you like to provide some input on APG's direction?  You can submit your own name or that of a colleague.  We all know fellow members who could make valuable contributions to our
organization. APG currently has 2,400 members. There are plenty of candidates in that number and plenty of members to make recommendations. Dozens of your colleagues are simply waiting for someone to flatter them with a recommendation.

All you need to do is send your recommendations to (details below) and we will see if they’re willing to be nominated and, if elected, serve. We know there are many hidden gems among the membership, so think outside the box, and quickly, so the nominating committee can move the process forward.

Please read the original "call" below for details. Thank you for considering this request.

The Nominating Committee
Amy Arner
Brent Morgan
Gena Philibert Oretega

Call for Recommendations for Nominations for APG
Board Positions and Nominating Committee that take effect 1 January 2012.
Deadline for Recommendations: Postmarked or e-mailed by 1 August 2011.

Executive Committee for Two Year Terms for 2012-2013
        Vice President
Board of Directors Positions for Two Year Terms for 2012-2013
        Region 1 (Western Canada; Western U.S.; Mexico): Two vacancies
        Region 2 (Middle Canada; Middle U.S.): Two vacancies
        Region 3 (Southeastern U.S., Caribbean; Central America): Two vacancies
        Region 4 (Eastern Canada; Northeastern U.S.) Two vacancies
        International Region 5B: One vacancy (Europe, Iceland, Middle East, former Soviet republics)

Nominations Committee for One Year Term 2012: Two vacancies (The third committee member is a member
of the Board of Directors and is appointed by the Executive Committee.)

APG members are encouraged to recommend candidates for any region or position. Nominees shall be APG members in good standing who joined APG prior to August 1, 2010. Go to for a map of regional boundaries.

For each recommendation, include the nominee's name, regular mailing address, telephone, e-mail address, and a brief (50-100 words) statement of that person's qualifications for office. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, you must include a statement showing that person has agreed to be considered by the nominations committee.

Duties of the member of the Board of Directors as abstracted from the APG Procedure Manual, Section 8:

- Be familiar with bylaws, policies and procedures
- Read all minutes and communications, and come prepared to board meetings (held twice annually, at Rootstech and FGS in 2012)
- Respond in a timely fashion to e-mail votes
- Serve in at least one capacity besides that of Board member
- Make an effort to attend one of the two major annual conferences
- When in attendance at a conference, volunteer at the APG booth and host a table at the APG luncheon
- Maintain contact and communicate with the membership in some of the following ways: talking to other members, seeking out opinions, concerns, ideas; contributing to the APGQ; participating in APG List discussions; joining the local chapter where one exists
- Consider making a contribution to the APGQ, either an article or news item, at least once during their term of office.

Send Recommendations to:
APG Executive Director

American Ancestors - Summer 2011

Summer Issue of American Ancestors has arrived!  Delightful Feature Articles in latest (Summer 2011) edition:
  • Take 2 - Who Do You Think You Are? Returns to NEHGS - by D. Joshua Taylor
  • It's All About Ancestors: Researching Ashley Judd's Genealogy - by Rhonda R McClure
  • The Wild the Lawless and the Savage Irish - by Jim Boulden
  • An Invitation to the Land - Reconstructing James & Eliza Conion's Migration to Minnesota - by Eileen Curley
  • Joseph Weeden - A Long-Neglected Son of a Great-Migration Immigrant - by Robert Charles Anderson
  • The New and Improved Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700 - by Martin E Hollick
  • Researching Black Families in Hampden County, Massachusetts 1650-1865 - by Joseph Carvalho III
  • An 1877 Same-Sex Marriage in Nevada - An Episode in the Unconventional Life of Sarah Pollard - by J Homer Thiel
Interesting Columns in latest (Summer 2011) edition:
  • Genetics & Genealogy (David G Bull) - "What? I'm Not Related to George Washington!"
  • Manuscripts at NEHGS (Timothy G. X. Salls) - "The Adams, Cate and Witherle Collection Finds a Safe Harbor at NEHGS"
  • Diaries at NEHGS (Robert Shaw) - "From John Hoyt's 1849 Diary: Impressions of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
  • Tales from the Courthouse (Diane Rapaport) - "Waiting for Ichabod: A Revolutionary War Wife's Tale"
  • Focus on New York (Henry B Hoff) - "Seen Elsewhere: New York Related Articles in 2009-2010 Issues of Some Non-New York Journals"
NEHGS's popular 64-page magazine —American Ancestors: New England, New York, and Beyond— features a wide range of article topics and styles, and appeals to family historians of all levels. Each issue includes articles on useful sources and helpful research strategies as well as compelling historical accounts and interesting case studies.Regular columns delve into genetics and genealogy; explore “Tales from the Courthouse”; examine NEHGS manuscript and diary collections; and present announcements of new books, family associations, and DNA studies in progress.

American Ancestors is published four times per year by NEHGS - New England Historic Genealogical Society.